Sleep Deprivation: The Most Dangerous Epidemic In The World That Nobody Is Talking About
As I mentioned in my previous blog, Digital Media is now the number 1 addiction throughout the world. Imagine taking alcoholism, drugs, gambling, eating, sex, work, and whatever other addictions you can think of and adding them all together. Even with all these, you...

How Technology is Ruining the Ability to Communicate
In case you haven’t noticed, very few people actually talk to each other anymore. The creation of the Internet has forever changed the course of humanity. While the Internet has opened up the world to virtually everyone, it has also shifted human communication in a...

For Those Of You Struggling With Alcohol Use Disorder It’s Time For A Change
The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) that uses an opiate blocker to reduce or eliminate a person’s craving for alcohol. It’s time to change the things we can no longer accept, using science and medicine to treat alcohol use...

If You Struggle With Alcohol Dependence, You’ve Been Lied To For The Past 25 Years!
You have been lied to because you’ve been told by every person, treatment clinic, recovering alcoholic, AA meeting, doctor and of course your spouse that YOU MUST STOP DRINKING---abstinence is the only way to stop the self- destruction. After all, everybody knows...